Friday 17 February 2012

Food & Rabbits

I am not happy.

I'm starving and the healthy food in my house is just not cutting it. I don't want a flipping apple, I could do with a cake.

Why does all the best food taste rank and the worst food taste oh so yummy!!!

I'm starting to think it might be worth having a fat ass if it means I can eat something nice.

If I come back as a rabbit when I die I will be seriously pissed off.

Dieting is one of those things that is good when your not hungry which is basically never :)

I've eaten apples I've eaten grapes. I'm eaten so much salad that the thought of eating one more piece of stupid fucking lettuce is making me feel ill. Pizza on the other hand, I could eat that til the cows come home.

A tub of Ben & Jerry's also sounds like a good idea at the moment and although asda is open 24hrs, even I'm not that hungry to go out at 11pm for the stuff.

For fucks sake, someone give me cake!!

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